Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ocean Kid

Ocean Kid is a 2 column template created by EZWpthemes and converted to blogger by Theme Craft. Ocean Kid Blogger Theme
Its a cute aqua theme suitable for children, animal or a personal blog. The template starts with the header image where you can place your blog title and description, next to it is the menu bar, the RSS icon is designed in the form of a floating leaf, and also included is a search box on top right.

In the main column the labels appear below the headline, date is on the side of it, while the comments come at the end of the post. This theme also includes social bookmarking icons like digg, twitter, delicious etc.

The sidebar has a welcome note on top, if you want to include one for your readers, following which you can add blogger widgets suited to your theme. This template also includes 2 columns in the footer, which is very neatly placed.


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